I remember fifteen to 20 years flipping through a magazine Muscle and Fitness and see promotional items 10 egg whites for breakfast. Were the eggs this way? What exactly seemed to be wrong with the yolk? So here we are fifteen years in the line and I really feel it’s time we did today. Let’s look at some of the health benefits of eggs and look at the same time in a series of events from egg yolk nutrition that regularly seems to be fired.

Eggs are the most important source of protein?

Eggs are the best source of protein on the planet! At this time, there is certainly no disagreement. As Johnny Bowden shares in his pocket, the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, in three of the four scales scientific quality of the protein applied in recent decades, eggs and again the highest score for protein quality . Comfortably blows milk, meat, whey protein and soy.

Having said that I should eat the whole egg?

To successfully achieve the vitamins and minerals from the egg will have to eat the whole egg. In fact, the yolk is where you get the most nutrients. The yolk is full of fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids. Believe it or not, lots of vitamins and nutrients in the egg yolk is so large that a couple of days would probably give a better coverage of a multi-vitamin. Egg whites, however, have far fewer nutrients. The only thing that guarantees their consumption is their attachment with their yolk partner.

The egg yolk nutrition facts in relation to cholesterol levels

Recent research has recently been shown how the cholesterol in eggs is processed by the systems of most people in a way that does not lead to coronary heart disease and that dietary cholesterol does not always result in high cholesterol or an unfavorable HDL cholesterol, LDL. And indeed, the University of Connecticut has thoroughly studied the effects of egg cholesterol levels.

These high-quality controlled studies show that when people eat 3-4 eggs on a daily basis, with the egg yolk, most people experience no change or favorable changes in cholesterol levels.

Whole eggs and weight loss

We realize that eating the whole egg gives the nutritional value they need. We also know that eating the whole egg gives us the greatest amount of protein (6.3 grams). However, when consumed around the egg also get the most calories.

Take a look at this egg white – egg yolk comparison:

3 large eggs: 225 calories, 18.9 g protein, 15 g fat

8 egg whites and 1 whole egg: 211 calories, 34.3 g protein, 5 g fat

Final Thoughts

The health benefits of eggs are fantastic, and you should make part of your diet. We have also learned much from the facts of egg yolk nourishment. For example, the yolk is where almost all the vitamins and mineral origin. We also learned that a couple of days will not raise your cholesterol level … increases the risk of heart disease. And to ensure that only eat a few whole eggs a day, if you are on a weight loss diet, because one egg contains a large amount of calories compared to only white.

Lisa Beverley writes highly informative and researched articles for end consumers about a variety of health care topics uding emedies, Nutritional upplements, Nutrition,Slimming, weight loss products, bodybuilding supplements and diet tips.

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