When you ask the average person name a childhood disease, the majority will respond with the chicken pox. For those who aren’t familiar with chicken pox, they are tiny little red bumps that seem to crop up overnight along with a fever. The hardest part of having the chicken pox is trying not to scratch your body because these little red spots itch like crazy and scratching them can leave you with scars. There is a vaccine out there, but like anything else, it has its pros and cons.

Well some will tell you yes and others will tell you no. One school of thought is that having the chicken pox is worse than not having them and if you can simply avoid the entire hassle of having to pull the kids out of school and keep them away from everyone while at the same time trying to keep them from ripping their skin apart then why not bypass the entire process.

It is important to realize that Shingles is a severe form of the Herpes Zoster virus and it extremely painful. Is it better to perhaps have a mild form of Chicken Pox earlier on in life than to suffer with Shingles as an adult? Some people feel so strongly about not giving the vaccine and having their children experience the natural process of childhood diseases that they are exposing their children to the virus by actually bringing their children to homes of other children who actually have Chicken Pox so that they can contract the virus.

So does this virus really help to prevent Shingles down the road. Well many feel that the reason there is an increase in Herpes Zoster in adults is because the vaccine is preventing younger family members from bypassing the illness. There is a general consensus that to keep from getting Shingles as an adult individuals should be exposed to the Chicken Pox a few times throughout their adult years. Bypassing this process may be what is leading a rise in the number of cases of shingles as well as the severity of the cases being seen.

The decision of whether or not to give your children the vaccine for Chicken Pox is the parents alone. However, it may be wise to ask your doctor to review the pros and cons of getting it or not getting it and how it may affect your child in the future. You want to have all the necessary information before making this decision.

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