There are many different choices to make when deciding on what chicken coops plans are the best ones for your particular scenario!

Points You Must Consider Are:


This is one of the most important things to consider because if you are thinking of raising more than half a dozen chickens then you will have to consider building a medium to large size enclosure.The bigger the enclosure’s size for the number of chicken’s then the better your production of eggs will be.


Chickens also like comfortable conditions in which to live (believe it or not!). Therefore the better the living conditions are for your chickens then once again the better your production of eggs will be. Make sure that your coop is fairly well ventilated and this is even more important to consider if you are living in a hotter climate.

Adequate Lighting

It is much more desirable to have some easy to understand chicken coops plans,plans that also describe how to go about building your chicken coop to provide plenty of natural sunlight. This is more preferable to artificial lighting. Although, once again the considerations of how much natural light you get will depend upon your geographic location.


Setting up the feeding system for your chickens can also be a slight headache. The more thought that goes into this particular aspect of your feeding system can mean the difference between more labor intensive work by you in the future or a lot less work by you and I know what you would prefer. There are many different guides available to help you make this decision.

The best way to ensure that you have some good chicken coops plans is to obtain a manual that contains various plans for chicken coops of all different sizes,from small portable chicken coops to medium and even large chicken coops.

This will be a great help later to you later on at no additional cost should you ever wish to expand your  coops.

So you should be able to find (without too much trouble) a few places on the Internet that offers a wide variety of information, not just about chicken coops but on several other related topics revolving around caring for your chickens. Another clue in the search for the perfect manual on raising chickens is to insert your search phrase inside of quotation marks like so: “chicken coops plans”, this will ensure that your search will only look for terms containing the entire search term instead of returning results on each word.

Rob Hillman is a Chicken Coop enthusiast. To find out more about Chicken Coop Plans, please visit