Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Setting Up Portable Chicken Coops In Your Backyard – It’s Not As Challenging As You Think : poultry coops

Burgeoning or novice chicken farmers can benefit greatly from portable chicken coops. Among the positive aspects of such coops are pest regulation, free fertilizer, and wonderfully fresh eggs. Never make the mistake of assuming that a massive plot of farmland is necessary in order to raise chickens. Coops can be built in sizes to seamlessly fit into a back garden, even in an urban area.

Some refer to movable chicken coops as chicken tractors. Certain chicken tractor kits can include wheels in order to facilitate portability when the chickens require a new location. Many chicken tractors are A-shaped, and are… Continue reading

Build a Chicken Coop – Things to Think About

One of the main reasons we decided to get chickens was because when I was little wee used to have chickens and the eggs were always better than the stores. Of course, once we decided that we wanted chickens I had to figure out what to do for a chicken coop.

Buying one was out of the question because they were so expensive! For a backyard builder such as myself a coop seemed like the perfect plan.

Of course that’s before I found out just how complicated building a chicken coop really is. I’ve come up with a checklist that… Continue reading

Choosing a Hen House – Choose Wisely and Think of it As an Investment

Having decided to go ahead with your plan for backyard chicken raising, the first and most important thing you will need is adequate housing for your birds. After all, you do want your feathered friends to be safe and comfortable so that they are going to reward you with a constant supply of those delicious, healthy eggs each day. So, choosing a hen house should be looked on as an investment.

Here are some basic factors that need to be taken into consideration when choosing a hen house

a) allow sufficient room for your hens. Convention says you should allow… Continue reading

Keeping Backyard Chickens For Profit Or for Personal Consumption Is Not As Easy As You Think

Keeping backyard chickens for profit or for personal consumption is not as easy as you might think. You must be responsible enough to provide care and attention to your chooks especially the young. Careful planning should be made regarding your intended use for your chicken whether for personal use or mainly for organic chicken meat production or organic egg production for profit.

This will be the basis of what kind of holding places that you will construct for your chicken. If you want an organic, free-range chicken for example, you should set up a secured chicken run or holding pen.… Continue reading

Building a Chicken House ? Why Building Chickens a House is Easier and Cheaper than People Think : chicken run

Building a chicken house has never been easier and it is certainly the best way I can see to get the most value for your money too. There is so much information available all at the touch of a button and the amount of advice you can find really easily on how best to go about building a chicken house is just amazing.

If the idea of taking on a DIY project of this sort is a bit daunting, I can understand that, I cannot say that my own DIY skills are too brilliant but, to be fair looking at… Continue reading