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Find way to breakthrough in farming technology

“We know that your technologies that are in your firms, in your people, in your labs, applied to these problems will make a very specific difference,” Shah said. The top U.S. international development official suggested that seed research under way in major agricultural companies might be applied to projects USAID has in progress now to develop crops that perform better in drought or produce greater and more reliable yields.
 Since the early 19th century. The support system became formalized with the creation of a national agricultural extension service in 1914. Introducing mechanisms to improve information exchange and comparative methods… Continue reading

Previous Farm Technology – That Farm Experience!

Regardless of where you are in the planet, agricultural production is the premise for the economy of all nations. It’s not possible for a political declaration to provide food or a usable product. Even the vast seas of the globe are agricultural producers of food. Agriculture is the sustenance of life, it produces food for the table, it produces medicinal product, it produces renewable wood merchandise for shelter and heat. One cannot even begin to list every product or resource for which agriculture is responsible.

These account for the experience and education that a person receives when he partakes within… Continue reading