Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Organic Farming – Till Or No Till? : chicken farming

We have decided to get this monkey off my back about this crazy controversy with “Till” and “No Till” agriculture and farming. As the organic market is now a twenty billion dollar per year industry you bet their is much controversy over the various methods used in the organic farming world.

He says to till the field and she says “No! Don’t Do It!”, they say “Till It A Little!”, another one says “Till It Every Three Years!”, what to do, what to do? Yes who ever thought that the simple task of plowing and tilling a field would become… Continue reading

Organic Farming

The word organic has a number of connotations attached to it. The definition cannot be narrowed to a particular area of study; in fact, the word “organic” spreads over a larger range of areas where it can be applied. The basic definition, however, remains the same because the derivation of the meaning of the word is unanimously universal. Organic is derived from or relates to, living organisms. In the simplest sense of the word, organic is simply organic matter obtained from the use of living organisms.
Anything that involves the use of fertilizers or pesticides which are strictly and solely… Continue reading

The Healthy Effects of organic Farming

Organic manufacturers in India are constantly growing in numbers. With the growing health awareness of Indians, this industry is showing improvement and growth from the recent years. The improvements of crops which are grown organically brought healthy effects on human and environment. Moreover, system enhancement also increases plant and product outputs.
Organic Food pertains to category of food which is not altered and doesn’t involv synthetic inputs which include pesticides, fertilizers, not altered genetically by microorganism, not processed by irradiation, industrial chemicals or additives. These are foods which are free from artificial chemicals, additives and which have undergone fewer chemical… Continue reading

How To Raise Organic Chickens : chicken farm

Organic chickens are known to be one of the healthier meats available. They are not exposed to as much toxins as other chickens are, making them rather clean. If you are planning to raise your own organic chickens, it will require different procedures as compared to raising common chickens. Here are some standards you will need to follow in order for your chickens to be certified as organic chickens.

When it comes to raising chickens that are organic, the process begins from the eggs of organic chickens. Everything needs to be organic from the second day onwards, giving them only… Continue reading

Organic Pregnancy Diet: Meat And Poultry

Everything you put into your body matters when you are expecting, which is why so many women opt for an organic pregnancy. Conventional poultry and meats are littered with harmful toxins that can take a toll on your babys health.

Pregnant bodies are not designed to handle the chemicals used to grow and raise conventional livestock. Safeguard your unborn babys wellbeing with an organic pregnancy diet.

Conventional Meats and Poultry Contain Hormones and Antibiotics

Conventional farmers use growth hormones, growth enhancers and antibiotics to raise livestock. The hormones and enhancers are used in the animals to make them grow… Continue reading

Organic Farming Vs Conventional Farming

Organic Farming is at a Crossroads

Organic, holistic, natural, back to the earth, and homesteading, are all disciplines of agriculture that are growing in popularity each day. People all over the world are extremely concerned about our environment especially as how it relates as to what we put into our bodies and also how it affects our earth and our lives.

Agribusiness and the multinational food producers over the years have done an excellent job of providing substantial amounts of nutritious food for a growing world population, but is this scenario of farming sustainable? Currently there is a tremendous amount… Continue reading

Organic Chicken Farming – Why It Has Become A Widely Practiced Method When Raising Chickens : chicken farms

People who choose to live a healthy lifestyle usually consider eating organic foods. Perhaps this is the reason why not only the vegetable farmers but even the poultry raisers are now considering organic farming methods. In the poultry business, organic chicken farming has become a widely practiced method. Here, the chickens are raised without using any synthetic chemicals, which are proven to be harmful to the fowls. This gives the people a healthier choice for meat and eggs.

Because of the increase in the demand for organic chicken meat, several companies have shifted to organic chicken farming. However, this method… Continue reading