I love the taste of farm fresh eggs. Whether you live in the country or in the city, you can enjoy your own fresh eggs too! Let us help you design your chicken coop.

There is nothing better tasting than a plate of delicious fresh eggs! Whether you live in the country or the city, you too can enjoy fresh eggs.

I started to collect specialty chickens. I ordered them online 2 of each kind. I ordered red ones, unique colored ones, little ones, big ones, and silky ones too.

My chickens live in paradise, there is plenty of green grass, a spring fed creek, and I allowed them to roam free. They were Free Range Chickens. Where chickens roam, they do their duty. It doesn’t matter if they are in the grass, in the garage, on the porch, or in the driveway, when they have to go, they just go! There is nothing worse than stepping in chicken duty! I have found one thing worse, my puppies like to find the little tasty treats. There is nothing worse that puppy breath after eating a chicken treat!

Did I mention, I HAD gardens? Chickens love tasty flowers, green leafy vegetables and best of all to roll and clean themselves in the dirt. It is so funny to see several chickens rolling around, flapping their wings to make sure the dirt gets up under their feathers.

Something had to be done. It was either the chickens go or we would have to put them in a chicken coop! The chickens weren’t going anywhere, I have named them all. So my husband started searching and ran across these very easy Chicken House Plans.

If you’re looking for how to build a chicken coop, there are some important things that you must consider before doing so. Lots of people just jump right into the building process without using Chicken House Plans and end up neglecting certain aspects which really cost them a lot of time and money in the long run.

If my husband had these plans to start with, he would have done a few things differently than when he built my first chicken coop.

Now our chickens are happy again, and so am I! I am able to have beautiful gardens, and fresh eggs!

There are some things that you need to know before you build your chicken coop:

How many chickens do you have or want? You want to make sure your chicken coop is large enough. For example you would not want to put 12 chickens in a chicken coop that you built for 2 chickens.
What is the weather like? That was a major consideration for us since we live in hot West Texas. What type of temperatures do you typically experience both summer and winter? Also, how much rain do you get? The first winter we had chickens, I put a heat lamp out in the pen to keep them warm. As we got a little more experience under our belts, we quickly learned that most chickens don’t mind the cold at all, and I was cooking my chickens! It’s the heat they can’t stand. Makes sense huh? We should have known feathers make for good insulation?
Where are you going to build your chicken coop? Do you want a permanent chicken coop, or a movable chicken coop. I think I will have my husband build a movable chicken coop next. It would be great to control where they do their duty. It makes great fertilizer and chickens are the best exterminators for bugs you can find. No hiding from a hungry chicken! What if you put closer to the kitchen? Eggs could not get any fresher.What is your budget? When you use these chicken house plans there are different things you can do to keep your costs low if you are on a limited budget. In some cases, if you know a few quick and easy tricks you might even be able to build a chicken coop for free.

Once you have built your Chicken Coop with these Easy Chicken House Plans, you can start to enjoy picking out your chickens. Different chickens lay different colored eggs. Do you want green eggs and ham? I have chickens that lay green eggs! And I do not have to dye my Easter eggs either. I get brown eggs, light and dark green eggs, speckled eggs and of course the good old white eggs.

Ramona Werst
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