The buttercup chicken, also known as the Sicilian Buttercup, was developed in the 1800’s in Sicily. It is reported that one female and one male were imported to the US later in that century and today’s line remain the direct descendants of the original couple. This line of chicken is rare, beautiful and exhibition worthy, a life-long layer and a pretty good pet.

It is a good layer although the eggs are reportedly small in size and few in number. There seems to be some controversy, however, surrounding the topic of keeping the Sicilian buttercup chicken as a pet. Some experts claim it makes a good pet because it can be very friendly and curious.

Some experts state that although the Buttercup can be friendly, it prefers to be independent, is very active, and flies well. Others declare that this breed prefers to avoid human contact. All experts recommend that chicks are the best choice to start out with because they can be trained to enjoy human contact.

Current reports state that the number of baby chicks is limited but can be purchased online from several hatcheries. Owners and experts agree that males are the friendlier of the breed. For the most part, Buttercups do not like confinement but will enjoy human contact when other conditions are suitably met such as outdoor places to roam and fly in addition to a warm habitat for resting and nesting.

The Buttercup’s comb is particularly susceptible to frostbite, so it is preferable to keep its coop warm and well heated. This breed acquired its name because of its golden hewed feathers and the butter-cup shaped comb on the top of its head which resembles a crown.

With its stunning crown and golden plumage, the buttercup chicken is a very attractive bird, often shown in exhibitions. In 1918, the breed was admitted to the “American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection”. Usually the hen has rich golden or amber colored feathers with rows of brown spots or “spangles”. The males are normally a reddish-orange color with black “spangles” and a very dark green tail.

Hens will begin laying eggs when they are 5 months old. Upon average, they lay approximately two eggs a week and continue to lay all their life. Controversy exists over the eggs’ appearance. Most claim that Buttercup eggs are white and small. Others believe that that the shells are slightly tinted.

It may seem odd to think of chickens as pets. Even the name, chicken, will often elicit giggles. Given warm living quarters with adequate room and an outdoor space large enough in which to fly, peck, scratch, walk and sunbathe, any chicken will be happy to be kept as a pet. Bear in mind that buttercup chickens are certainly not the type to be kept in small, cold quarters.

Buttercup chickens are entertaining and engaging and may even learn to sit in a person’s lap. Baby chicks which are hand-raised will respond to the call of their name, will allow someone to stroke them and may even eat out of someone’s hand. Pet chickens will respond well when rewarded with food and positive reinforcement.

When raised from chicks in a clean, warm, habitat, buttercup chickens would be an interesting and fun pet. Given that their laying output is approximately two eggs weekly, it wouldn’t be wise to seek this breed for this type of food source. Like any pet, a buttercup chicken will be entertaining, beautiful to look admire, good company and at the very least, an unconventional conversation piece.

To Learn more about chicken coops and keeping the Buttercup Chicken visit

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