If you are just starting out raising chickens, you may have questions about how to build a chicken house.  A chicken house, or chicken coop as many people call it, is not only a place to protect your chickens from the weather, but from predators as well.  It is important that you design your chicken coop carefully so that your chickens will be happy in their environment.  A stressed chicken will stop laying eggs.  Be sure to consider the following when building a place to house your chickens.

How many chickens will you have?  The more chickens you have, the bigger the house needs to be.  If you are going to have just a few chickens, you may opt for a mobile hen house that can be moved when necessary.  If you have more chickens, a more permanent type structure will be necessary.
The chicken coop will need ventilation.  This is especially true in warmer climates.
Design your chicken coop so that it will be easy to feed your chickens. 
Make sure you can access all parts of the structure so that when it is time for cleaning, you will be able to reach all the corners.
Ensure that there are no protruding nails and staples or loose wire for your chickens to get hurt on.

If you keep these factors in mind in the design of your chicken coop, I have no doubt that you will be able to learn how to build a chicken house correctly.  All it takes is some basic tools like a hammer and a saw, and a little time to put it together.

I hope the design suggestions above help you in your desire to learn how to build a chicken house properly. Raising chickens can be fun. The fresh eggs are delicious and the chickens can be fun to play with. Click the link and learn about a new program with chicken house designs and instructions to help you learn to build your chicken house properly.