Despite what you might be thinking, both chicken runs and coops can be built with ease. Some people have this idea in their head that it takes some sort of genius to build their own chicken coop, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Due to all the resources that are available on the Internet, the complete novice can have their chicken run and coop built in just a few days. Seriously. If I can do it, I’m sure anyone in the world can.

Before we get into the heart of the content where I tell you what resources to look at, I first want to cover a few things that you need to consider before you start building.

Do you have enough spare land in your backyard? The reason I ask this is because you’ll be surprised about how big a chicken coop can get. Obviously, it all depends on how many hens you’re raising. If you are keeping up to 5 hens, then you need to have about 20 by 20 ft for the run and chicken coop. Keep in mind that the run is going to occupy most of that space. A chicken run is a must-have by the way, this is an area where the chickens can run around outside but be safe from predators at the same time.

Once you’ve established whether you have enough space or not, then it’s time to think about any predators that may attack your chickens. If you live close to the city, then you’re not going to come across as many predators such as possums or foxes as you would in the country. People nearby may even have a cat or dog who likes to go for hens. So knowing this you can take some precautions such as digging mesh wire deep into the ground so the predators can’t dig underneath it.

Once you’ve considered the size a coop and run will be and you’ve taken into consideration any possible predators that may attack, it’s time to make your chicken runs and coops.

Like I said previously in this very article, the Internet is such a powerful resource, you can probably find out everything you need to know about runs and chickens from the net.

I recommend picking up a book that will guide you through the whole process of building a chicken run and coop. By following one of these guides you can’t really go wrong since everything is laid out in a simple to read format with illustrations etc.

These are just some pointers I have learned over my years of raising hens and building chicken coops and runs. For more information of what to do to make building your chicken coops as much fun as possible then drop by my site by clicking right here

Sorry about the quality but if you do like it I will upload it.
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