Chicken Pox Definition

It is also called Varicella. It is highly contagious viral disease, characterized by a generalized vesicular eruption developing in crops over a period of few days.

Chicken Pox Causative Factors

This type of fever is caused by vitiated pitta. It may be due to particular virus. Chicken pox virus is also responsible for Herpe Zoster in adults.

Chicken Pox Symptoms

Usually this disease affects children under 10. Initially there is a feverfor the first 3-4 days. Then a rash appears. Macules (little raised eruptions) appear on the skin. Then papules appear and turn into pustules. When pustules burst open, the fever subsides. Internally there is inflammation of the mucous lining of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. Hence the affected child suffers from coughing, bronchitis, pneumonia, or diarrhea. If the pstules form near the nose or ear, inflammatory symptoms appear in these areas.

Chicken Pox Treatment

Herbs of choice are parpata, musta and ativisha. For fever tab. Sootashekhara rasa 125 mgm, twice a day or chandrakala rasa 50 mgm, twice a day are indicated.

Due to inflammation of the respiratory tract, there is a persistent chroic cough. Parpatadi kwatha or equal parts of combination of kumari asava and vasakasava in dose of 15 ml. twice a day is useful in this condition. When fever has completely subsided, tab. Kamadugha or tab. Praval for palliation of Pitta, are better medicines. Apply powder of sandalwood for itching on the skin.

In a society where smallpox look its toll of life and left its mark on many faces, scant regard was paid to those who got off lightly with chicken pox, an illness which would run its course and, unless which would run its course and, unless you were very unfortunate, one from which you were unlikely to die. Apart from causing extreme discomfort this illness is not considered particularly serious unless it spreads to mouth and eyes which can be painful and may have worrying consequences. However professional advice should be sought when the first signs of chicken pox manifest themselves: the usual feverish shivers, runny nose, aches, pains and nausea which parents always associate with a child ‘sickening for something’.

After a few days the patient develops patches of flat red spots which become blisters and then break and crust over. This is the point at which they itch dreadfully and it is also the stage at which they will scar if they are ‘topped’ and spread disastrously. Very small children who cannot understand the consequences of scratching should have mittens tied over their hands. Keep the mouth, eyes and ears free from infection by using any of the eyebaths or mouth washes mentioned in this book.

One chicken pox treatment which all authorities, ancient and modern, are agreed upon is that a diet should be followed which entails drinking plenty of fruit and vegetable juices. Lemon juice is considered to be the very best but a child with a spotty mouth will not take kindly to this and home – made lemonade (2 lemons, 1 litre (1.75 pints) water and 50g (2oz) sugar) or lemon barley water (1 large lemon , 2 tablespoons pearl barley and 1 litre (1.75 pints) boiling water) would would be better. Soft fruit juices – raspberry, blackberry and particularly rhubarb are lovely and will be very thirst – quenching if added to carbonated mineral water. One of the best home remedies for chicken pox.

Rose hip syrup (450g (1lb) bright orange hips picked , just after the second frost , boiling water and honey) is another old favourite and grape juice, like rhubarb juice, has been found to be especially beneficial. A great ‘food drink’ is the ‘green cocktail’ (Place a good selection of green vegetables into a blender with the addition of carrots, peppers, tomatoes, plenty of seasoning, the juice of 1 lemon and a little water. Blend well and dilute if necessary . These leafy green vegetables not only contain a lot of chlorophyll which will dispel bad odours but they also have a laxative and diuretic effect, thus purifying the whole system) which is a little too strong for most children but you could try them with a ‘sunset Slinger’ of carrot and orange juice mixed straight from the blender.

A diet of salads and fresh fruit should be eaten in preference to anything else and carbohydrates, fatty foods and pulses should be left out of the diet until the child is well. Feverish children are rarely hungry anyhow so this should be no problem. Figs and molasses are recommended as being full of good things and the psychological advantages of eating stewed dried figs for breakfast was pointed out to me by one small boy who said, ‘I like popping the fig pips between my teeth. It makes me feel better somehow. ‘A teaspoonful of olive oil, taken daily, will also speed recuperation. One of the advantages of having had chicken pox is that you will not catch it again.

Home Remedies for Chicken Pox – Soothing Solutions

* Witch hazel Bathe the spots gently in witch hazel. If they are excruciatingly irritating wring a cloth out in the liquid and use it to cover whole areas.

* Cider vinegar Half a cup to a bath of warm water will relieve irritation.

* Green pea water So rarely do we get our hands on lovely fresh garden peas that this remedy comes into the area of luxury. However the water in which fresh peas have been cooked does relieve many irritations of the skin and was at one time used to soothe sufferers of scarlet fever. It also helps ease nettle rash and measles.

* Calamine lotion or boracic powder Either of these will help to dry up irritating patches but K think that this can sometimes make matters worse.

* Nettle tops Boiled down to a thick paste this oil – fashioned gipsy method of healing pustules in and around the mouth also stops gums from bleeding.

* Vitamin E oil If the poor little victim is a young girl and she has some nasty scars left she will be devastated. Try a little vitamin E oil rubbed into each place as it is healing – I have known it to work wonders. Reassure her that in time the mark will stretch and fade away. Both parsley and garlic taken internally will also improve the condition of the skin. One of the good home remedies for chicken pox.

* Herbal teas Sip a mild, healing, sedative tea such as chamomile, basil, pennyroyal, marigold, vervain, catnip or lemon balm, several times a day with a little cinnamon, honey and lemon.

It is also called Varicella. It is highly contagious viral disease, characterized by a generalized vesicular eruption developing in crops over a period of few days