Having a hen house allows your chickens to have a place to stay at night and during bad weather as well as have nesting boxes for their eggs. Different ideas on building a hen house are available depending on the type of house you want to build. It is important to consider the number of hens that you have when planning a house for your poultry since you want to prevent overcrowding the chickens, which can cause fights and reduced production of eggs. You should as well build a nesting box for every five hens so that they have plenty of spaces to lay their precious eggs. Provide six to 10 inches of spaces for each bird for their perches.

It is important to choose the right material when building a house for hen. If you do not have plenty of time, wood is an ideal choice because it is very easy to cut and assemble. With wood, you can simply set aside two weekends and you can already complete this task. Before you go on the task to build hen house, you should decide as to the size and style of coops that you want to build. Choose as well the right place to put it up.

If you have no idea on building chicken coops, plenty of resources are available on the Internet, whether you require a big coop or a small one, whether you have a limited budget, or whether you want a premium large and two-story hen house. Many plans for chicken coop are found online to give you basic ideas on starting your project. As mentioned, location is a key factor when building coops for a poor location might result to unhealthy or unproductive poultry. Check out if the location has soil drainage, air circulation, and accessible to water. You need to have a good drainage system to avoid muddy areas, which could cause filth and diseases. Meanwhile, if the coops do not have good ventilation, it can cause unpleasant odors, which can be harmful for human health. Lastly, make sure that you have a nearby water source to be able to replenish your chicken’s water needs daily and conveniently. You can even install an automatic watering system for added convenience if there is an available nearby water source. Make sure to clean your coops every so often so that the birds grow in a healthy environment, which will lead to them giving you top quality eggs.

For more information on keeping and caring for chickens, and also to get a FREE set of plans for chicken coop houses, please feel free to visit my site by clicking Here