There are specific things that you want to do in order to start seeing a great deal of success when it comes to building your chicken coop. When building your hen house, there are several mistakes that you definitely want to avoid so that you do not end up having a failed project in the end!

Mistake #1 – One of the most common mistakes when it comes to building a chicken coop is the simple fact that most people do not plan ahead. They do not plan for the future. Do you plan on breeding some more chickens or even buying some new hens for the house? You have to remember that it’s important that each chicken have 4 square feet of living room each, meaning that if you have 10 hens, you want 40 square feet of space.

You want a chicken coop that will be able to have the ability to expand when you need it to otherwise you could find yourself having to buy or build a complete new one or even discarding the one you currently have!

Mistake #2 – Maintenance is something that should not be taken lightly. When it comes to maintaining a hen house, it is actually highly important that you create an environment that’s easy to clean. Meaning that if you spray it with water, you may want the whole floor to slant towards the main door so that all the water and dirty things being cleaned out can simply slide out instead of making a puddle in the middle. There are also other things that you can do to make maintenance very easy as well!

Mistake #3 – One of the most important things that you can possibly do is to ultimately make sure that your hens can live freely without the constant worry of being attacked by an outside predator whether it’s an animal or an actual force. You want to build your own insurance plan such as having wire mesh that’s tough and durable, building it off the ground if you live in a place that could flood, these little things can definitely help you out in the end!

Building a Chicken Coop is very fun & very easy. You can “do it yourself” and easily build an attractive, affordable chicken coop that will keep chickens happy, delivering high quality eggs, and most importantly preventing them from begin attacked by predators.

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