Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Why You Should Consider Raising Chickens in Your Backyard : chicken farm

Even though most of us do not live on a farm these days, if we have a backyard, we can have backyard chickens. That is, of course, if the area you live in does not have restrictions against “livestock”. Many areas are changing their ordinances to allow homeowners to have chickens. The economic times that we are living with today seems to be moving people back to the “land”, in the forms of gardening and having chickens.

Chickens are not to fussy, but they do need safe, comfortable digs. You can easily build your own chicken coop with just a… Continue reading

Raising Chickens For Profit – Adding Significant Money to the Monthly Budget When Raising Chickens

Raising chickens for profit is a practice being carried out by many households with fun-loving family members. Although the target of the activity zeroes in on adding significant amounts of money to the monthly household budget, it can’t be denied that home chicken farming can also deliver priceless, intangible things that can further hold the family together.

In the past years, people have become more concerned with the emergence of new serious diseases and the degradation of the environment, and this consequently led to campaigns that fight for healthy lifestyle and well-being. People are generally advised to commit to green… Continue reading

Chicken Raising – 5 Reasons Why You Should Raise Chickens

Chicken raising makes a lot of sense now in recessionary times and when people have legitimate fears about the source of their food.

1 – Chickens love scraps and leftovers.

Chickens appetites are voracious..and will eat practically anything. So don’t worry about food going to waste or out of date food left in your fridge.Your chicken will love you and your garbage disposal costs will be significantly reduced.

2- Fresh Free Range eggs..just like you used to have when you were a child

And the huge amount of ways to eat eggs and use them in the kitchen means that… Continue reading

Getting Your Own Backyard Chicken Coop And Raising Chickens For Meat And Eggs: A wonderful household activity

So you want to start your own chicken coop and are wondering how or where to start. Do not worry, as this write up is intended to solely support you with your predicament.
The very best way to start your chicken farm would be to get young chicks, so you are able to watch how they grow which is vital if you are a 1st time farmer. You do not need to go to each single hatchery in order to come across the most effective chicks for the reason that it’s also possible to order on the web from a… Continue reading

Backyard Chickens Raising Tips to Remember

Before you commit yourself into an exciting endeavor of backyard raising chickens, there are a lot of key points to take into consideration for chickens raising. You need to clearly define the purpose of your flock prior to anything else for this will direct the path you choose to take. Questions to ponder on in raising chickens are: Do you need them for a supply of fresh eggs? Do you need them for pest and weed control? Do you need them for fresh meat or their manure as fertilizers? Once you have the answers, you can begin your journey.… Continue reading

Home Chicken Coop – Some Practical Advice For Raising Healthy Chickens

If you want to construct a home chicken coop, you are likely looking to start your own chicken flock. A flock consists of two or more chickens in a given area. You can start your flock with eggs or live chicks. Both are good options. For the absolute beginner, it is a good idea to start with live chicks and avoid the brooder stage. For chicks less than a week old, heat is enormously important. They do not have the ability to regulate their own body temperature yet. Keep them in an enclosed space with a heat source that keeps… Continue reading

Raising Chickens For Fun Or Profit? Chicken Coop Plans Made Simple! : chickens eggs

So you decided to raise chickens in your backyard, great decision! Now the question is how are you going to get your chickens? Are you going to buy them as chicks and raise them to adults or are you going to buy fertile eggs and hatch them yourself? Also what kind of housing will you choose for them? Or will you build your own chicken coop?

If you are going to raise the chicken from a fertile egg you will need to find a source that has high quality eggs and you will also need to get an incubator, ideally… Continue reading