Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Designs Of Chicken Coops

Are you considering keeping chickens? In that case, you’ll be glad to hear there are plenty of different types of chicken coop designs available in the marketplace. You will find that a number of these coops are the premium type whereas others are more modest in terms of construction. Regardless of the design you choose, there are several essentials which you must keep in mind. Choosing chicken coop designs is not so hard providing you pay attention to these suggestions.

Plan ahead

As it’s your money you will be spending, it’s worth taking some time out to undertake a little… Continue reading

Chicken Coops – Farm Freshness With Every Bit

When a person or family invests in chicken coops the rewards are reaped every day. The benefits are evident with the fresh daily supply of eggs and for dinner a chicken. That is if you have a large enough flock. Chicken is a low fat healthy meat that is good for the heart because it is low in cholesterol.

Another often overlooked advantage to raising chickens is the free fertilizer. With a portable chicken coop or hen house, the pen can be moved around your property and every where the chickens feed will have fresh fertilizer. This can help keep… Continue reading

Building Chicken Coops From Recyclables

If you are planning to raise chickens in the long run or just testing the waters to see if you could actually make poultry raising a livelihood, one item on your priority list should include building a reliable and efficient chicken coop. Though there are many commercially made chicken coops being sold in the market, building chicken coops is still the more practical option than spending top dollar for ready-made ones. Building chicken coops could be very challenging particularly for beginners but very rewarding as well. Once you have chosen a chicken coop plan, it is now time to scout… Continue reading

Chicken Coops – Design Your Own! : poultry coops

The internet is flooded of ways to ‘build this’ and ‘design that’, but what about if you want to build something to your own specification? If you breed poultry, then one of the most important aspects of their existence is their chicken coops. Design it in such a way that it will be both practical for you to clean, but still comfortable for the inhabitants!

The problem is that most houses that are available are built in such a way that they are not fully functional, that’s just what to expect when looking for chicken coops. Design is the key… Continue reading

Choosing the Best Breeds for Your Chicken Runs and Coops : chicken breeds

When you’re mixing and matching your chickens for your chicken runs and coops. You can check for size and temperament along with a few other traits. To do this it would be a great help if you checked a chart of over 60 breeds. The chart I found to be very helpful is Henderson’s chicken chart.

Henderson’s Chart

This chart covers over 60 breeds, variety, class and type, origin, color and egg production, skin color, brooding, and behavior. I would recommend checking this chart which can be found on the internet through Google. Because of all the information that can… Continue reading

How Weather Affects Your Chicken Runs and Coops

Weather can affect your chicken runs and coops in different parts of the world. How does the weather affect your chicken runs and coops? We will look at some of the different situations, conditions and recommend a few solutions in this article.

Desirable Climate

First of all let’s look at the most desirable weather condition and situation most chicken ranchers would prefer to have their chicken runs and coops located in. From the beginning of domesticated chicken ranching, the natural climate for chickens has been a warm climate. Sunny weather allows for chickens to be outside of the coop for… Continue reading

Plans For Easy to Build Chicken Coops

If you’ve got or are planning to get chickens and want to save some money, you’re probably thinking about building your own coop. But if you’re like most of us you’re just a home handyman without much building experience. Therefore, plans for easy to build chicken coops are vital.

There are many factors to good chicken coop design and construction. You need to consider the best size of the coop for the number of chickens you have, you need to provide shelter as well as protection from predators, there needs to be adequate lighting and the right number of feeders.… Continue reading