Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Top Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Chicken House

Before you jump in and start building your chicken house, there are some very critical things that you must know to ensure you are building it correctly and that your chickens will continue to lay eggs for a long time to come.

Far too many people make a few major errors which causes them to have to spend a great deal of money down the road fixing the issues that have presented themselves.

Here are the main mistakes to avoid when you are building a chicken coop.

Lack of Sunlight

Just as you wouldn’t want to spend a day in… Continue reading

Chicken Coop Plans – Building a Safe and Healthy Chicken Coop With a DIY Guide : chicken coop plans

If you are raising chickens at your home or backyard, then you need not to tell that how beneficial it is. Of course, a healthy hen lays 5-6 eggs in a week. However, if you have half a dozen of chickens, they you don’t have to buy eggs, rather you may sell the extra eggs and get some extra bucks to your pockets. Now there is great demand for fresh organic eggs and you can exploit this demand.

Chickens are fragile and easily susceptible to attacks. That is why it is your prime duty to safeguard your chickens from the… Continue reading

Chicken Coop Building Plans – Easy to Follow Instructions For Backyard Chicken Coops

What is the basic function of a chicken coop? Any chicken coop built has a main goal to serve as a home for you beloved new pets, so it is of some importance on the design and layout of your backyard chicken coop.

While many people choose to purchase a all ready built coop, there is an alternative that gives you the power of choice. Choice as in size, location, design, color, choice of pretty much everything, and who doesn’t like choices? My recommendation would be to build one suited for your needs, your interested, and your convenience.

Many factors… Continue reading

Build Your Own Chicken Coop – Chicken Coop Building Plans That Anyone Can Follow

You might wonder if you can build a chicken coop alone. Yes you can. It is actually very easy to build a chicken coop and you can probably complete one in a single afternoon with some good DIY building plans.

There are several reasons you should build a coop rather than purchasing one that is already made. Here are a few:

1. It is much cheaper. A ready to go coop costs around $ 500 – $ 1000. If you build your own, you will save about 50%.

2. Building a coop can be a fun family activity. You will… Continue reading

Building a Chicken House ? Why Building Chickens a House is Easier and Cheaper than People Think : chicken run

Building a chicken house has never been easier and it is certainly the best way I can see to get the most value for your money too. There is so much information available all at the touch of a button and the amount of advice you can find really easily on how best to go about building a chicken house is just amazing.

If the idea of taking on a DIY project of this sort is a bit daunting, I can understand that, I cannot say that my own DIY skills are too brilliant but, to be fair looking at… Continue reading

Building a Chicken House ? 5 Important Design Aspects

Proper Ventilation

When building a chicken house it is imperative that you must take into consideration proper ventilation of the coop because chickens need to be cooled down during the intensity of noon-time heat. Free flowing inflow of air within the building can tremendously help keep the temperature from rising; thereby making the chickens fully comfortable.

Good Drainage

Chickens must be dry most of the time; and you must avoid getting them wet. For this reason, the coop must have well designed drainage system that fully flushes the water out of the building; thereby ensuring that the poultry is not… Continue reading

Building Backyard Chicken Coops – Tips to Design a Backyard Chicken Coop : chicken coops

A chicken coop is a shelter place for chickens. It is a safe retreat place where hens lay their eggs. There are different kinds of chicken coop designs and plans available in the market. However, there are certain factors to be considered while building a backyard chicken coop.

Before planning and designing a coop you need to focus on three essential points so that the coop is comfortable for chickens:-

Have 4.5 sq. ft. of space between each chicken
3 nests shared between 8 chickens
9 inches of perch length for each chicken

Once you have decided on this then… Continue reading

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