Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Chicken Coop Plans – Tips For Choosing the Best Chicken Coop Plans!

Safety is A key Component In Chicken Coop Plans!
Natural predators are a large factor in the construction of your coop. There are necessary precautions that, when taken, will ensure that your chickens will be safe. There are any number of predators, but the most common are dogs, coyotes, raccoons, skunks, lions, fisher cats, red-tailed hawks and bears.
The choice of chicken coop plans that you make should contain tips on how to protect your egg-producing chickens from the most common predators.

Just a few tips would be to embed your chicken wire at least 12″ below ground so no… Continue reading

Looking For The Best Chicken Coop Plans?

Hens are very good at detecting a lack of affection towards them.  We presume, therefore, that you will wish to assemble the best possible chicken coop to keep them happy.  To do that you have to have a plan.

Your breed of hens will guide the design of coop, such as how much heating or cooling will be needed, the space required, and whether they are being kept for eggs or meat.  The size of the hen house will be based on the quantity of birds – 8 to 10 square feet per hen is a… Continue reading

Choosing the Best Breeds for Your Chicken Runs and Coops : chicken breeds

When you’re mixing and matching your chickens for your chicken runs and coops. You can check for size and temperament along with a few other traits. To do this it would be a great help if you checked a chart of over 60 breeds. The chart I found to be very helpful is Henderson’s chicken chart.

Henderson’s Chart

This chart covers over 60 breeds, variety, class and type, origin, color and egg production, skin color, brooding, and behavior. I would recommend checking this chart which can be found on the internet through Google. Because of all the information that can… Continue reading

How To Pick Chicken Coop Plans – The Best Way To Select Plans For Your Chicken Coop

It is not necessary to possess architectural expertise in order to construct a house for your chickens. It is not even necessary to have farming experience. It is possible to buy plans for chicken coops from numerous sources, and anyone who has a knack for taking measurements and drawing to scale can even create their own chicken coop plans. If you adhere to your plan closely, you will soon have a finished chicken coop.

Chicken coops can be constructed in a number of different ways. Coops can be rendered in a wide range of styles, sizes and configurations. Certain coops… Continue reading

What The Best Hen House DIY Guides Should Provide

Chickens need to live in safe, clean and reasonably comfortable housing.  If they have this they will flourish and be good producers. Many poultry keepers choose to make their own coops and pens to give their birds a proper home. What, then, do the best hen house DIY guides provide to help chicken keepers give their birds an ideal living environment?

The best guides will provide a range of expert advice and instructions for not only getting the best chicken coop design but also the all-important subject of buying and caring for your precious hens.

The first aim of… Continue reading

What Are the Best Laying Hens? : laying chickens

Egg production is the most common reason for wanting to raise backyard chickens. There is nothing more rewarding than growing your own flock of high quality egg producers. The quantity of eggs to be produced is highly dependent on the type of breed you have. In order to get the most out of this industry you need to find the best laying hens. Professional livestock raisers only consider the most suitable breed for the job. They often separate their best egg layers from the low performing ones. Remember that in this type of business quantity and quality is the name… Continue reading

Chicken Coop Plans – Tips For Choosing the Best Chicken Coop Plans For You

Searching for chicken coop plans online will give you hundreds if not thousands of options for ways to build your chicken coop. To help you choose wisely, I’ve outlined below some things you need to know to help you pick the best chicken coop plans for you.

Size – Make sure it’s big enough. Generally speaking, each chicken should be given about 4 square feet. So if you’re planning on keeping 5 chickens than you need your chicken coop to be around 20 square feet or more to keep those chickens happy and laying. Anything smaller will lead to problems… Continue reading