Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens

Chicken Farming

Organic Farming – How I Do Organic Gardening


I have been growing my own vegetables for over thirty years all across the United States. All the way from North Carolina to California even Alaska. Each area is different, so I had to change my approach to gardening in each new location.

Now that I have moved to Reno I have elected to go organic. This has been quite a challenge for me since I have always been a chemical man. Spray the chemicals on and watch the weeds die and the veggies grow, was my slogan.

What Is Organic Gardening

Organic gardening is doing away with chemicals… Continue reading

Three Small Farming Businesses You Can Start

If you are looking for a business to start and own one to five acres of land, you may not have to look any farther than your own backyard. Small farming operations that specialize in just a few products can supplement, or even replace, your regular income if you choose the right products to offer. Here are three ideas you can use to start a small farming operation of your own.

1. Aqua Farming – Aqua farming is the practice of raising fish, shrimp, or other aquatic creatures. Most operations also process what they produce and package it for sale.… Continue reading

Organic Farming – Till Or No Till? : chicken farming

We have decided to get this monkey off my back about this crazy controversy with “Till” and “No Till” agriculture and farming. As the organic market is now a twenty billion dollar per year industry you bet their is much controversy over the various methods used in the organic farming world.

He says to till the field and she says “No! Don’t Do It!”, they say “Till It A Little!”, another one says “Till It Every Three Years!”, what to do, what to do? Yes who ever thought that the simple task of plowing and tilling a field would become… Continue reading

Mushroom Farming Equipment And Efficiency : chicken farming

When it comes to efficiency, most of us do get our facts wrong. This is mainly due to the myopic one dimensional view we give to the whole concept. Most of us will singly look at the quality, quantity or cost of a practice. This is no different when it comes to mushroom farming. Mushroom farming equipment are known to increase the efficiency of mushroom farming. The question is; what dimension that this efficiency take. The answer is simple; it is an all round efficiency. However, to achieve any level of satisfactory efficiency one needs to have all details right… Continue reading

How Important Role the Farming Contractors Play

One option is to attend a college or technical school to learn to become an agricultural contractor. This type of training provides information on farming practices and techniques, specifics on using equipment, and related topics. Many facilities have a clinic where people can practice their skills in the real world, and some offer internships and labor exchanges to provide more job experience opportunities. This training can help people with limited farming experience learn how to work comfortably and safely in agricultural environments.

There are several ways to become an agricultural contractor, a specialist who prepares fields and does other farm… Continue reading

Find way to breakthrough in farming technology

“We know that your technologies that are in your firms, in your people, in your labs, applied to these problems will make a very specific difference,” Shah said. The top U.S. international development official suggested that seed research under way in major agricultural companies might be applied to projects USAID has in progress now to develop crops that perform better in drought or produce greater and more reliable yields.
 Since the early 19th century. The support system became formalized with the creation of a national agricultural extension service in 1914. Introducing mechanisms to improve information exchange and comparative methods… Continue reading

Guide to Sustainable Farming in Victoria

In recent decades, food production has evolved to include huge inputs of fossil fuels, synthetic fertilizers and abundant pesticides. However, there is also a growing presence of sustainable farming in Victoria. People are now asking more questions about where food comes from and how it was grown. Many realize that taking the time to research where your food came from is a very responsible action. As the demand for organic and sustainably produced products grows, the amount of sustainable farming in Victoria has also increased.

Most sustainable farming in Victoria utilizes a variety of soil conservation and improvement techniques. To… Continue reading

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