When you want to know how to build a chicken coop, you should know that there are a lot of people who want the same. There are many advantages of having a chicken coop which is functional as well as safe for the chickens. A lot of factors need to be kept in mind before building the chicken coop so that the end result is one which would satisfy all the requirements. For instance, the first step is to build a chicken coop which is safe and provides a good environment for the chickens. The coop must protect the chickens form predators as well as harsh weather conditions. One of the most important things to take notice of while building the chicken coop is the location of the same. It is almost always advised that the coop must be constructed at a high place so that even when it rains, there would be not water seepage and the dampness will easily dry off.

The direction of the coop should be facing towards the sun so that it can get maximum light and enough heat to dry off any dampness. Also, the coop should be protected with chicken wire at a height of 1 foot so that predators are kept out. The next step in building a chicken coop is to make sure that cleaning the same should not be a bother. The coop should always be maintained in a clean and sanitized manner for the chickens to be healthy. One of the tips which you can use out here is to fix the door in such a manner so that it opens to the inside. Another tip is to make the floor of the coop towards the door in a sloping manner so that the disinfectants and water can easily run out instead of making a puddle in the centre of the coop.

The next and final step in building a chicken coop is to ensure that the coop is well-lighted. This helps in providing heat during dank cold nights. The walls of the coop should be properly insulated so that the heat is not lost in the winters and the inside doesn’t get too heated during summer. The windows of the coop should be opened to the sun so that the sunlight filters in and keeps it warm and clean. All these tips are easy and cheap methods of building a coop and maintaining optimum health conditions for the chickens.

You can also real more articles on how to build a chicken coop. Once you have built your chicken coop you can try seeing it from space using a satellite view of my house.

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