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5 Tips For Farming Gold in World of Warcraft

There are many ways to farm gold in World of Warcraft, but many people still find it hard to earn enough and are more inclined to buy gold in the real world. Admittedly, farming fold is a gaming skill that comes with experience and learning. I do not buy gold, but I did spend quite some time in advancing gold making skills in my first year and I managed to make quite a few characters across different servers. I was even able to trade epic flyers for five characters just in my year one.

If you are just starting out… Continue reading

Secret World of Warcraft Gold Farming Tip – Play the Auction House Market

Farming for gold isn’t much fun and if you are having a hard time then here is great World of Warcraft gold farming tip that will really help you out. Although this concept of making wow gold has been around since the beginning of capitalism itself, there are few strategies you can use to maximize your profits and apply it to World of Warcraft.

Well the concept of the strategy is simple, buy low and sell high, but implementing it can be quite some challenge without knowing the secrets that the elite players are using. Just like the American stock… Continue reading

Warcraft Leveling – Leveling and Farming As a Rogue

When it comes to leveling a rogue, or farming as one, combat spec is best. You can find a number of combat specs easily with a quick Google search, but I’ll present my personal favorite in my next article. Still, just because you are specced right doesn’t mean you are playing right, so in this article I’ll explain how to play a combat rogue effectively for leveling or farming.

First, a few ground rules.

1.ALWAYS KEEP SLICE AND DICE UP. Seriously, WAY too many Rogues ignore this. Slice and Dice is worth more DPS than anything else you could be… Continue reading

Planet Of Warcraft Guideline – Farming Embersilk Cloth

This add-on complies with Blizzard’s policies.
They have a forum that is regularly up-to-date, as perfectly as the guides do with every patch.
Both will have a free of charge Cataclysm update

– In-Sport Dual Spec Talent Develop Guides
– Nether Drake Mount Guidebook
– Death Knight Course Manual
– Inscription Profession Leveling Information
– Auctioneer Appraiser Information
– Meals and Drink Stats Guidebook

Dugi’s Guides Bonuses:

– In-Sport WoW Leveling Talent Guide
– Gold Farming & Auction Property Guidebook
– 1-450 WoW Career Guidebook
– About twenty Dailies Instructional Video clips
– 9 Seasonal WoW Celebration Guides

Cataclysm Update**:… Continue reading