Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Choosing the Right Size For Your Chicken Coop

Before you start the building process, one of the most important things is that you’re choosing the right size for your chicken coop. Individuals who do not put enough time and consideration into this process often find that they build a chicken coop that does not meet their needs properly.

If you build it too small your chickens will not be laying eggs properly, so it’s vital you’re making sure you’re doing what you need to correctly to get your daily supply of fresh eggs like you wanted.

Here are the main things that will factor into you choosing the… Continue reading

Choosing the Right Size For Your DIY Chicken Coop

As you get set to build a chicken coop it’s vital that you’re making sure it’s the right size. If you aren’t taking the time to put some consideration into this there is a much higher chance that your chickens will not lay eggs on a continual basis, hence you’re going to run into a number of problems. There are a couple of contributing factors that will go into deciding which is the right size to build your DIY chicken coop, so understanding them all is important. Here are the main ones you should consider.

Number of Chickens You Want… Continue reading

Choosing a Chicken House of the Right Size : laying chickens

One of the most important factors to take into consideration when you are building a chicken house is the size. If your chickens begin to feel crowded at all, they are not going to be laying eggs as optimally as they could, thus you’re not going to do as well with that chicken coop as you had hoped.

Many people overlook this factor and wind up having to rebuild all over again to meet their needs once they realize the mistake.

Here are some guidelines to follow.

Small Chicken Houses

If you are only going to be housing two to… Continue reading