Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Portable Chicken Coop: Move Your Own Chickens From One Location To Another One Without Having The Inconvenience

Occasionally, you coulddiscoverthat youneed to haveto movemany ofyour own chickens in adifferentplace. You will findnumerousreasonsexactly whyyou wouldwant to do this nevertheless theessentialthing to think aboutis thatchickensmay bechallengingto safely move, especiallyin the event thattheir wings aren’t clipped. The particularthingthat maytake care ofyour owndifficultiesis really a portable chicken coop sincethey also make transporting chickens a great dealless complicated.

Good reasons for MovingChickens

A great deal of chicken farmers may possiblynot evenrealize that they will have a needto transfertheir own chickens. Alsoin the event yourequireto movesome chickens coming from1coop to another, a portable coop actuallyis useful.

Additionalreasons for relocating the chicken containgetting it… Continue reading

Setting Up Portable Chicken Coops In Your Backyard – It’s Not As Challenging As You Think : poultry coops

Burgeoning or novice chicken farmers can benefit greatly from portable chicken coops. Among the positive aspects of such coops are pest regulation, free fertilizer, and wonderfully fresh eggs. Never make the mistake of assuming that a massive plot of farmland is necessary in order to raise chickens. Coops can be built in sizes to seamlessly fit into a back garden, even in an urban area.

Some refer to movable chicken coops as chicken tractors. Certain chicken tractor kits can include wheels in order to facilitate portability when the chickens require a new location. Many chicken tractors are A-shaped, and are… Continue reading

Portable Chicken Coops – 3 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Portable Coop

If you want to be able to wake up each morning with a fresh batch of eggs ready to start your day, then choosing to have portable chicken coops in your yard is a great way to do so. In fact, many people are already experiencing the benefits that raising chickens bring. If you plan on raising a small flock, then buying a portable chicken coop would be an ideal choice and here are 3 reasons why.

1. More convenient

As the name suggests, these coops are extremely convenient and can easily be moved from one location to another. Permanent… Continue reading

Free Portable Chicken Coop Plan – A Must Read

Having chickens at home can be as fun as having other pets like dogs and cats. This may sound unusual but there is actually an increasing number of people choosing chickens as pets. Others also raise chickens to have a daily supply of fresh eggs for their household consumption or for selling to others.

But if you want to have chickens at home, you need to have a portable chicken coop. It is important to construct a portable or movable coop to have a place to house your chickens in. To construct one, you would need a plan or a… Continue reading

Essential Steps Before Making Portable Chicken Coops

Portable chicken coops, sometimes called chicken tractors, are lightweight hen houses that can be moved easily around the garden.  They have some really good points:

Very cheap and easy to make
Easy to keep clean
Ideal if you don’t have much space in your yard
Free fertilizing for your garden (the hens do it bit by bit for you as you move the chicken tractor around)
Constantly changing stock of insects and greens for the hens
Easy to move hens into the shade (hot weather) or shelter such as a garage (cold weather)
Unsettling and confusing for… Continue reading

Portable Chicken Coops not just for Transporting

There are many reasons you may have the need for a Portable Chicken Coop. Whether it is the size that best fits your yard or space, you transport chickens for sale, or you need to be able to move your chickens into a protected environment such as a barn, garage, or covered patio, a convenient size and durable construction coop will let you move them where you need.

Portable chicken coops come in many sizes and styles. The larger ones will come with wheels to push the coop like a wheelbarrow or a mini-mobile home. Designed for the backyard and… Continue reading

Benefits of Owning a Portable Chicken Coop House

Why You Should Choose The Portable Chicken Coop

Now that more and more people are seeing the benefit of having chickens around the yard. There is nothing better then some fresh eggs that you know are better for you and your family then what you may have been purchasing at the store. But there is more to having chickens then just having fun eating the fresh eggs, there is some work and upkeep to tend to. One of the most important things in raising chickens is to make sure that they have a safe and secure portable chicken coop.

While… Continue reading