Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


How to Hatch Your Own Chickens

Hatching chickens yourself is actually much easier than many people think. Apart from saving yourself the expense of buying chickens, you get to witness first hand the wonder of eggs hatching into chicks and observe then develop into fully grown chickens. There are essentially two methods of hatching chickens.

The artificial method involves putting the eggs into an incubator. You need to ensure that your incubator is producing a steady temperature. You need to ensure some humidity within the incubator by putting a cup of water inside. The humidity needs to be increased for the last few days just prior… Continue reading

Finding the Ideal Chicken Incubator to Hatch Your Own Eggs

Upon deciding to hatch your own chicks, the very first thing you’ll probably want to do is find yourself one of the following:

* A hatchery who will be able to sell you fertilized chicken eggs

* A decent incubator that fits your needs.

The question now is how do you figure out which chicken incubator will work best for you? This tends to become a problem when you don’t know the first thing there is to know about incubators and hatching.

Probably the most important thing to remember about having an incubator is that temperature means everything.

Chicken eggs… Continue reading