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Advantages of Laying Wooden Flooring : laying chickens

The ways you can go about decorating your house are enormously varied in number but it is often too easy to forget the floor. There are myriad ways you can do the floor but consider the possibilities of natural materials. Wood in particular offers a lot of variety in how it looks, as the color range goes from white to black and every variation of cream through dark brown in between. This means that, regardless of how you intend to decorate the rest of the room, you can find a color of wood that will suit what you want to… Continue reading

Laying Bathroom Flooring : laying chickens

The main criteria for laying bathroom flooring is that it has to be waterproof. Water or moisture that gets through will cause severe problems with the floor underneath. Before laying bathroom flooring you must prepare the floor beneath. Bare floorboards must be sealed. A subfloor can be used to level uneven floorboards and then sealed.

Bathroom fittings mean laying bathroom flooring can be an awkward job, therefore you need to dry-lay the tiles to give a balanced look, a tip is to tile outwards from the longest wall.

If you are laying a slate floor on wooden floorboards first screw… Continue reading