Backyard chicken coops are small coops surrounded by a barrier. This barrier enables the chickens to move around, and hunt for insect. The chickens are kept for different purposes, including for food in the rural areas and for business in the urban area. Hereafter are some advantages and disadvantages of backyard chickens:

Advantages of backyard chickens:

* There are useful for many purposes and they provide additional income for some people.

* They help in getting fresh eggs every day, which tastes better, is very nutritious and is very good to health.

* The waste that is generated by the chickens will be an effective fertilizer for the garden.

* They offer organic pest control of insects for yard

* They also act as an enjoyable companion.

Disadvantages of backyard chickens:

* Keeping chickens is not very easy because it leads to many problems.

* The people who are in the surrounding area may not like it.

* It is also difficult to feed and house them, protect them from diseases, during the busy time or even if it is raining, or when they go out of the city.

* The main disadvantage of this coop would be that they smell, very dirty to clean it up and even it carries diseases.

Conclusion: How to raise a backyard chickens? Firstly, for raising this chicken coop they have to get suggestions from some departments. They have to consult the people who are in the surrounding area. The chicken coops should be checked every day that it does not be affected from any insects. Keep them in a safe place when are laying eggs and nesting. Watering, cleaning up and nourishment of chickens should be taken care of. By adopting all this methods, the backyard chicken coops could be raised. Thus one can see that poultry farming is becoming a very profitable business for people these days.

Successfully built chicken coops equal happy striving chickens. Discover the secrets on how to make your Chicken coop like the professionals and watch your chickens multiply. Visit