In a world where the need for food thrives and jobs slowly dwindle, it’s comforting to know that there is one product that maintains a strong demand.  Chicken, one of the cheapest and most popular foods, has long been a favorite of health gurus and those looking for eggs and other resources.  Because of this, the demand for large chicken coops has risen tremendously over the decades.  Of course, finding the right one and tailoring it to your individual needs can be somewhat of a challenge.

But the good news is that there is no shortage of large chicken coops around the world-especially in European countries, Australia, and even the Americas.  The benefits of owning one are numerous.  According to experts, many people buy or make coops that are too small to accommodate the number of chickens they have. 

According to, this leads to overcrowding.  Having a grazing area attached to the coop helps alleviate this problem.  Called a run, grazing areas for large chicken coops should be tall enough that you can stand up inside of them. 

These  coops are often attached to large barn houses.  In England especially, chicken coops are becoming readily available.  You can order an igloo-shaped  coop from England.  And though such chicken coops may be slightly expensive, they are a great asset for those who want a low-maintenance coop.

Large chicken coops made in the United States come in a variety of shapes and sizes.  Some look like miniature barn houses, while others are quite small with chicken wire.  Less complicated chicken pens stand close to the ground.

Of course, if you’re on the market for a coop, it’s important to remember that you have a lot of choices.  Large, elaborate coops can cost as much as $ 700.00.  Less expensive versions sell for as little as $ 100.00. 

Of course, finding one that meets your needs can be difficult, especially if finances are an issue.  This is why many people choose to make their own.  You can search the internet and find chicken coop designs that lead you step by step through the building process. 

Large chicken coops, in the grand scheme of things, are a necessity in just about every corner of the world.  And with the unemployment rate steadily rising in America and around the world, farming is becoming a stable career field.  And with that, there has come a growing demand for chicken-one of the world’s cheapest and healthiest foods.

Rob Hillman is a Chicken Coop enthusiast, to find out more about Chicken Coops, please visit

Chicken coop designs at Fred's Fine Fowl, what works and what doesn't

Chicken Coops that work and some that don’t… Fred walks you through the process of placing and equipping your chicken coop. In the northeastern United Stat…