Going green has become more than just a novel way to live your life, but rather an economic necessity. People all over the world are taking advantage of the availability of information and becoming more self sufficient. If you want to go green and build your own chicken house, then here are a few things to consider before you start your chicken building plans.

1. Space. Space is very important to healthy, egg laying chickens. In order to ensure that you have enough space, you should set aside around four square feet per chicken. If you are going to be rearing four or five chickens for egg laying purposes, then a chicken coop of around twenty square feet would be ideal.

2. Cleanliness. Keeping your chicken building clean will ensure that your chickens remain healthy. Building your coop so that you can easily clean the inside by means of having perches with trays underneath will dramatically improve the overall experience of rearing chickens.

3. Ventilation and light. You chicken house should have adequate lighting, either naturally through windows or through lighting. If you are inclined towards natural lighting then you can use your windows for ventilation too. Remember that chickens will not be very comfortable if they have sunlight shining directly on them when they are trying to roost, so placement of the windows is very important for egg laying.

Once you have found the ideal location for your chicken house and have found the right plans to suit your particular needs, then sourcing materials is the next important thing to do. The materials you use will have a lot to do with the environment that you are living in. Although the chicken house is primarily to keep your chickens in, remember that there are a variety of animals that would like to be in there with them. Keeping predators out is even more important.

To find out exactly how I build my own chicken coop quickly and easily and found out how to do it for less than I thought possible, check out my my little free website I put up on the topic at http://chickenhouseplan.weebly.com.

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